
Scientists say that because of the slug’s inefficient use of energy, its lifestyle must be restricted. That is, the animals are forced to confine themselves to small areas for obtaining food and finding proper living conditions. Have humans ever b...

9. By the end of the last term, they___ all their course work. A. have completed B. had completed C. complete D. are completing 10. My best friend to meet me when I arrived at Hongqiao Airport. A. comes B. has come C.

21.The Emperor tried to stop the King from attacking his country because. A.he did not prepare for a war with the King B.he was afraid of the King and his army C.he cared m...

6.IamsorryIwasunabletokeepmypromisetoseeyouoffatthestation.很抱歉我没有如约去车站为您送行。 7.Muchtomyregret,Iwasunabletokeepmyappointment.很抱歉,我没能守约。 8.Muchtomyregret,Ihavetocancel...很抱歉,我不得不取消…… 中间段 1.Ihopeyouwillunderstandw...

of baked clay. The characters of the movable type could be rearranged to form different words and thus be used over and over again. The Chinese alphabet has about 40 thousand characters. Because of the difficulty of producing so many pieces of type...

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